Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Philosophy died...

...when the Thirty ostracised Socrates.

Barbabecca: I mean, philosophy really deals with all aspects. It's not really something in itself, just a way of looking at things
Barbabecca: an approach
Barbabecca: or the approach to an approach
Barbabecca: that's what humans never get
Barbabecca: it's frustrating to discuss things like that
Luka: as i see
Barbabecca: if they only see their perspective without realising that it is a perspective because they take it for granted
Barbabecca: it's so frustrating!!!!!
Barbabecca: why dont people get it??
Barbabecca: humans are sooo HUMAN sometimes!

1 comment:

  1. Friends, I invite you to witness Modern American Existentialism in The Manifest Utopia Series, by Philosopher Stephan Pacheco. The root of the examination is Freedom.
    Be honest with yourself. Strive to be Genuine and not emulating. Be exactly who you want to be. How many thoughts to Free yourself? How many to Free us All?
